Pioneers in the countryside of Brazil and Argentina

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The great movement of "seasonal" emigration towards central and eastern Europe is flanked by a basically defined emigration that strove, as a rule, for the possession of land and that, compared to the first, is much more contained in Friuli.

It is the case of, for example, certain people from Erto and Casso who, around 1880, moved into Slavonia to Plostina but also of the farmers from Mezzomonte of Polcenigo who, around the same time, reached Monte Belo in Rio Grande do Sol (Brazil).

The decision to emigrate was not, however, only a response to an obvious and growing imbalance between local resources and populations.

Instead, it responded to thought-out economic strategies that diversified sources of income, that widened spatial references and constructed niches of relative privilege in the cities and in the professions in which the emigrants had acquired positions of strength or of advantage.

The "gî pal Mont" frequently represents obvious proof of wanting to surpass, with one's own strength or one's own hands, an existential situation considered to be always less tolerable.

Almost all the mayors of the province of Udine (which, at that point, included what is today Pordenone) indicated that among the most important causes that, in the three-year period between 1882 and 1884, caused emigration "strictly speaking" was "the desire for better fortune".

The second half of the 1800s, therefore, presents a migratory picture that is completely modified and strongly conditioned by the globalization of the economy.
Within the same community, Friuli countrymen knowingly defined different migratory destinations and outlined projects for a different life that were the result of dialectical confrontation between the different possible options.

This was a choice that was undeniably tied to the complex parental and country networks that they were able to establish but wa also influenced by the recruitment methods and the migratory propaganda that prevailed within the community.